Like all babies, these Bibits need a loving home.
They come from a new world of crypto that is mixed, colorful and chaotic.
They are messy, too much at times and can also be very cute.
Bibits are probably the easiest babies to take care of.
New to cryptocurrencies and NFTs? How to buy!
Bibits are in the making and we have to be patient until they are born. Then we need even more patience.
Follow Bibits on Twitter for the latest news, giveaways, when and how to get them.
Follow @BibitsNFTCardano blockchain
Take a sneak peek at the ultrasound image and say hello to some of our little friends
Karolina Eklund
Coder, Designer and Crypto Enthusiast
Master of Science in Information Technology
Bibits is a hobby project made for educational purposes and fun.
It is made thanks to a lot of support and help from loved ones.
Like babies, the project will continue to grow.
With possibilities such as giveaways, charity, games and community suggestions.
Maybe one day, Bibits get some added utility...